Saturday 2 Dec, 2023

Introducing Pile

Pile helps you to turn chats into knowledge. Store, organize and share knowledge from your chats with Pile.


Pile helps you to turn chats from your Slack and Discord communities into knowledge. Store, organize and share knowledge from your chats and provide users with the knowledge they need to succeed.

The rise of community-driven products

The rise of community-driven products is a fact. The internet has made it possible for people to connect with each other in ways that were never possible. This has led to the rise of communities around products, brands, and companies.

With the arrival of platforms like Discord and Slack, it has become easier than ever to build a community around your product. From a customer support channel to a community of passionate users, the possibilities are endless.

Tons of products have gone down this route. From small indie products like Pirsch Analytics to big companies like Stripe.

Trapped in chat

There is however one big problem. Chat is a terrible medium for knowledge sharing. It's great for quick questions and answers, but it's awful for storing and retrieving knowledge.

  • It's hard to find information. Chat is a stream of messages. The answer you're looking for slowly disappears in the depths of the chat history.
  • Duplicates are everywhere. It's hard to know if a question has been asked before. This leads to the same questions being asked over and over again.
  • It's hard to keep track of changes. Chat is a living medium. Information changes over time. It's hard to keep track of what's still relevant and what's not.

Creating the pile

I believe that there is a better way. A way that combines the best of both worlds. Pile forms the bridge between chat and knowledge.

Add Pile to your Slack or Discord server and start turning your chats into knowledge. Curate the best threads and messages and turn them into a public knowledge base that is accessible to everyone.

Pile automatically provides you with a beautiful knowledge base that is easy to navigate and search, while also providing you with the insights you need to keep your knowledge up to date.

What's next?

Pile is currently in private Alpha. If you want to be one of the first to try it out, sign up for the waiting list.

Dries Augustyns

Dries Augustyns

Founder at Pile